Description of the plugin: WooCommerce Social Login
Make the purchasing experience in your store smooth and convenient with the “WooCommerce Social Login” plugin from SkyVerge. This addition enables customers to log in to your store through their accounts on their favorite social media platforms, making the account creation and payment process faster and easier.
Main Features
- Link social accounts: Customers can log in to your store using their Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, LinkedIn, PayPal, Disqus, and VK accounts.
- Easy login: Accounts can be linked on the “Order Received” page to facilitate future purchases.
- Reduce Friction: Customers do not need to remember a new username and password, making the repeat purchasing process smoother.
- Enhance Security and Trust: Increase security and trust by using the social login preferred by more than 77% of consumers.
- Increase conversion rates: Social registration can lead to an increase in conversion rates of more than 10%.
- Tracking social registrations: View a report on social registrations and see user accounts linked to social networks.
- Account Management: Customers can link or unlink their social accounts from the “My Account” page at any time.
Price and additional benefits
- Cheapest Price: Get the add-on at the best price with all paid features.
- Guaranteed security: The file was scanned using over 30 anti-virus tools to ensure it is free of viruses and malware.
- Unlimited Use: The file can be used on an unlimited number of sites and domains according to WordPress’ GPL licensing policies.
- Full Access: Price includes full access to the product. Please note that purchasing from Awtad Space does not include support for the original author.
Enjoy an easier and faster purchasing experience for your customers with the addition of “WooCommerce Social Login”. Simplify the check-in process and increase customer confidence in your store today!
أحمد الزهراني (verified owner) –
تسجيل الدخول أصبح أسرع وأكثر أمانًا مع WooCommerce Social Login، أنصح به بشدة.
خالد العتيبي (verified owner) –
ميزة تسجيل الدخول عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي سهلت على عملائي الكثير من الوقت، إضافة رائعة بسعر ممتاز.
محمد الحارثي (verified owner) –
تسجيل الدخول الاجتماعي سهّل عملية الشراء لعملائي بشكل كبير، تجربة رائعة!
ريم المطيري (verified owner) –
هذه الإضافة أفضل استثمار قمت به، سعر مناسب وميزات كثيرة.
مشاري القحطاني (verified owner) –
لم أكن أتوقع أن أجد إضافة بجودة عالية وبسعر منخفض هكذا، خدمة ممتازة.
محمد الشمري (verified owner) –
ربط الحسابات الاجتماعية مع WooCommerce سهل الاستخدام وزاد من رضا عملائي، شكراً لكم.
فيصل الدوسري (verified owner) –
الشراء من Awtad Space كان تجربة رائعة، المنتج نظيف وآمن وسعره لا يُضاهى.